Updated: September 29, 2021

Topology is the hierarchically view of listed devices in a tree structure which allows the connectivity link between AP’s and SU’s. Devices will be listed as Global > Default Region > Default Location > Default Facility > AP > SU


All the regions are listed under global, which is a root section.


All locations or a single location is listed under the Region. ​


All locations or a single location is listed under the City.


Location holds the information of facilities available under a particular location.


Contains all the APs and SUs installed under the facility. On selecting a particular tree element, the data under the tree element will be loaded. For example, if we click on “Global” root element all the regions available will be loaded. By clicking on “Region” lists of the Locations loaded and by selecting “Location” lists the available facilities are displayed.

Link View

By selecting a particular facility all the devices installed under that particular facility will be listed and the devices will be listed on the map. In this view the total number of devices can be seen, by selecting just the location. All the devices present in that location will be shown as number.
Region: On region selection, all the locations which are under the particular location shall be listed below the selected Region. Also, the map shows the clustered view on the count of devices which are available in each of the location under the selected region.
Location: On Location selection, all the facilities which are under that particular location shall be listed below the selected Location. ON the map the clustered view of facilities according to the location in which the facility is placed with the count of devices in each of the facility shall be shown. For proper visibility of the clustered count of devices in each of the facility, the approximate GPS coordinates of the facility has to be added while creating facility.

Upon right click on a facility, we can get an option to rescan facility which will trigger a rescan on the selected facility

When we right click on a node, it will give us with three options:

1. Move to Facility
a. We can move that particular node to a new facility.
2. Rescan
a. It will initiate a re-scan for that particular node
3. Node View
a. Clicking this function will open the node view of that particular node

Network View

1. Dashboard
2. Discovery
3. Topology
4. Configuration
5. Events
6. Settings